Ahhhh, Thanksgiving...it's just around the corner!
FUN FACT ABOUT ALEX!: Thanksgiving is my all time favorite holiday!
My family all gathers around, every member of my family shows up for this one holiday. Hmmmm...is that because they want free food?? Ha-ha. I never thought of that before. Anyway! I get to see their smiling faces, eat delicious food and pie that tickles my tastebuds.I get to watch a movie in the living room with each person squeezing together on a couch or using each other as pillows on the floor. My uncle doesn't make a comfortable pillow...by the way. Usually Thanksgiving is held at my grandmas...that's all I've ever known. But this year, woah now, it's being held at my Uncle's house and I'm not sure how I feel about that. His house isn't as cozy, and home feeling, and whats the holidays if it's not cozzy feeling? But I'm sure the food will taste the same, the jokes will still be funny and the movie will still but a great family movie..but im pretty sure outdoor soccer session is out of the picture. That's my favorite part...darn!
Tis the season to put up ur tree...what!?! ALREADY!?
So during HALLOWEEN I saw Christmas things in the stores so this must not be too bad. But in my house...very unusual. My mom got bored a few hours ago and started putting up decorations for christmas. Wow! Usually this happens the week of christmas but now BEFORE THANKSGIVING!? I'm baffled...speechless...and my mom...she's.....CRAZY!
"Alex come help me with the tree!"
No mom...I will not help you with the tree. Not until I stuff my face with turkey on Thursday..and you have to give me time to recover from all that bloating caused by overeating...and you have to let me adjust to all the santa pillows on the couch now...why dont we just set up the tree the week of christmas! Ha-ha (: Nooo, I love my mom, and plus the house looks pretty now.
I love the glow of Christmas light...ahhhhhhhh
Monday, November 22, 2010
Quick Pic Update!
Update in four pics!
Went to the homecoming game!
First pic: Cheyenne, she's one of my closest friends. Pretty right? Heart.
Second pic: Ya'll should know Skye...and yes, we are weird!
I went to my first concert ever, in my LIFE! It rocked my socks off!!!! :D
First Pic(bottom): Lead singer of Camerae. One of my new fav bands. They were a opening act!
Second pic(bottom): BEFORE YOU EXIT! The concert stars! Haha. In front you see Riley, after him is Connor, in the back is Braiden. And you cant see their drummer Thomas buuut he was there too! Obviously!
What else to quickly update you on?!
Oh! I started doing virtual school, lovin it. I'll explain more later..
I have a boyfriend...
You'll eventually hear more about him!
But for now...
That's your Quick Pic Update! :D
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
School :/
So here's what happened at school today!
It was an early release day, but when you are running on not a wink of sleep it can seem like the longest day of your life. Also, because of the wanna be tropical storm but wont gain that extra few miles per hour wind speed, I thought it was going to rain. So did everyone else obviously because me and the entire school dress for rain and puddles. I saw rain boots, umbrellas and so much more. But did it rain? Not at all. Anyway, so today:
*I won a slinky in a boy vs. girls trivia game. Obviously the girls won. We won by saying "Pop culture of 500" and getting it right! We were pretty good at U.S. History too. ANYWAY!
*I worked on a boat load of vocabulary in English class, oh joy...not.
*I watched a video on "Deaf President NOW!" in American Sign Language, which was very interesting to see Deaf people protesting and marching and signing with rage. Very interesting.
*It history I had to recite part of the Declaration of Independence...good thing she let us hold a paper with the words on it in case we got lost. I needed it.
*Math was....math. I don't really like that teacher much...all we did was take notes anyway..
*Lunch was fun though, I sat on the ground and talked to my good friend Dylan about how he was, how his day had been going, talking and joking..it was good.
*Earth Space Science is USUALLY my least favorite class...but not today. We had an awesome substitute!
*Family Dynamic was fun, we learned about friendships and relationships. Then some Senior came to talk to us about her hard life she has had. It was...interesting!
Then once the bell rang I rushed to my mom's car and got home as fast as possible because I was hungry, tired as heck and my head was pounding as if my brain was trying to escape from my skull and ramming itself into the inner walls of my head. As soon as I got home I took medicine, ate some food, and crashed within ten minutes. It was a pretty successful day if I do say so myself.
It was an early release day, but when you are running on not a wink of sleep it can seem like the longest day of your life. Also, because of the wanna be tropical storm but wont gain that extra few miles per hour wind speed, I thought it was going to rain. So did everyone else obviously because me and the entire school dress for rain and puddles. I saw rain boots, umbrellas and so much more. But did it rain? Not at all. Anyway, so today:
*I won a slinky in a boy vs. girls trivia game. Obviously the girls won. We won by saying "Pop culture of 500" and getting it right! We were pretty good at U.S. History too. ANYWAY!
*I worked on a boat load of vocabulary in English class, oh joy...not.
*I watched a video on "Deaf President NOW!" in American Sign Language, which was very interesting to see Deaf people protesting and marching and signing with rage. Very interesting.
*It history I had to recite part of the Declaration of Independence...good thing she let us hold a paper with the words on it in case we got lost. I needed it.
*Math was....math. I don't really like that teacher much...all we did was take notes anyway..
*Lunch was fun though, I sat on the ground and talked to my good friend Dylan about how he was, how his day had been going, talking and joking..it was good.
*Earth Space Science is USUALLY my least favorite class...but not today. We had an awesome substitute!
*Family Dynamic was fun, we learned about friendships and relationships. Then some Senior came to talk to us about her hard life she has had. It was...interesting!
Then once the bell rang I rushed to my mom's car and got home as fast as possible because I was hungry, tired as heck and my head was pounding as if my brain was trying to escape from my skull and ramming itself into the inner walls of my head. As soon as I got home I took medicine, ate some food, and crashed within ten minutes. It was a pretty successful day if I do say so myself.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Update since Sunday!
So I realized today, Tuesday, that I didn't post anything yesterday, Monday. So here I am keepin' you posted on what happened on Monday. Well my good friend Michael came over around 4:30ish maybe 5PM. He stayed at my house till like 9. We watched Eddie Murphy stand up comedy called Delerious. He ate dinner here too, which was delicious. It involved Juliann potatoes which is one of my favorite things ever. Then we just chilled, listened to music and talked. I had a great time and it was great to see him. I've known him since I was like eight or nine so him and I are really close. Today nothing real exciting happened I am sorry to say. Tomorrow is early release day at school, which always makes me happy. I will post something tomorrow as well. Thursday I have a therapy appointment, which I have mixed feelings about. I'm happy, but nervous. Later on Thursday Michael is coming over again for some more of my mom's cooking and we are going to hang out. BUUUUT right now I'm watching Deal or No Deal, I love Howie, he makes me laugh. Anyway, I'll post something tomorrow.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Oh yeah Baybay!
Ahhhhhhh, relaxation. Though the weekend was fun, I'm glad to say Sunday night is here. So I told you guys about my weekend plans. Lets recap: I went to a family reunion, Noah's(nephew) birthday party, and spent Saturday night and Sunday with Skye(one of my best friends).
The family reunion was packed with people I didnt know, but that was okay I still had fun. There was mostly a bunch of country people there and along with them there was an entire room full of food, yumm. I love me some good food. Anyway, I think the highlight of the entire family reunion was when a guy name Bubba...a very country guy named Bubba was running around shouting, "We lost the dumplins! Has anyone seen the dumplins!?" I was secretly laughing thunderously inside my head. Here are some pictures from the reunion...there is only two. I was busy eating and talking.
So Noah's party was a blast too! Skye came and we both had fun! We got there about a half hour late but that didn't matter much considering we stayed 'till almost eleven at night. When we first got there the boys were running around in the back with their black lab puppy Milo, they all seemed to be having fun but of course when i asked for a hug they all respond, "No," with a silly smile and then run away. We ate hot dogs and chips and Jenni (sister) made a delicious cake, though she said it involved 3 pounds of powdered sugar. Which was like "OMG!" oh well...I didnt eat it all. We eventually all just ended up laying around on the couches and floor. We watched some show on cats and then "The Dish" on the style channel...the men didnt seem to thrilled but hey, they survived. Skye and I were pooped so we decided we wanted to go home so we were taken to here house. Where I drew on a ballon, giving it names and a multipul personality disorder. On one side its a smart guy named Poppicock, the other a trashy woman named Betty-Joe, Skye came up with that name. Then today, Sunday, we watched Austin Powers, and that's where the blog title comes in because he says that ALL the time, and then we watched Titanic, a favorite of mine, ate chicken, then went for a walk. When I got back Skye's dad threw a bug at me which landed in my mouth, then I found out it was a cricket and I FREAKED out....but yeah that's about all that happened. (: Here are some pics I took of Skye and me and our ballon buddy.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Weekend Madness! :p
It's officially SATURDAY!
I wont be writing much this weekend, maybe on Sunday. I have well...weekend madness. My schedule is non-stop going and doing. I am waking up at 9:45 or at least I'm suppose to be. Rising when the sun is still in the sky isn't my favorite thing to do. I'm more of a night owl. I'm getting off track though! So when i wake up I am to hop in the shower, get dressed for the beach and we will leave at 10:30. It's the family reunion weekend, well for one of my grandma's at least. My "nanny" has a family reunion every year and HERE IT IS! After having some fun in the sun for about four hours me and my mom will head home for a quick change then off to Skye's! One of my best friends. I have two best friends, Skye and Kylee. Kylee I have known since she was born and Skye well.....

She is amazing! (She's in the front, I'm the weirdo in the back!) I will probably talk about her a lot so yeah. Don't worry I'll get better pics as the blog goes on. Anyway, Skye. She's a red head, and CrAzY! We met last year as freshmen in high school. Though we had two classes together, lunch and we rode the same bus, we ended up meeting in a KFC. It started with a simple wave to a random stranger, that's how we met. I waved to her and she waved back. Ever since then we have been attached at the hip. We became best friends after I brought her a gift basket while she was recovering from her surgery. The next night she stupidly went to homecoming and we danced it up buuuuttt, I love this chick!
We are spending the weekend together because her dad and his new girlfriend, and her sons are going somewhere for the weekend. She didn't want to go, so she is watching the dogs and I'm coming over to keep her company. We will probably just watch scary movies, eat a lot, and act like fools, but hey thats always fun!
I will be going to my nephew Noah's birthday party as well, which should be fun! I will definately post something Sunday, telling everyone how the beach, party, and Skye's was but for now I'm going to talk to friends on Facebook, text, and probably play some games on the computer(:
I wont be writing much this weekend, maybe on Sunday. I have well...weekend madness. My schedule is non-stop going and doing. I am waking up at 9:45 or at least I'm suppose to be. Rising when the sun is still in the sky isn't my favorite thing to do. I'm more of a night owl. I'm getting off track though! So when i wake up I am to hop in the shower, get dressed for the beach and we will leave at 10:30. It's the family reunion weekend, well for one of my grandma's at least. My "nanny" has a family reunion every year and HERE IT IS! After having some fun in the sun for about four hours me and my mom will head home for a quick change then off to Skye's! One of my best friends. I have two best friends, Skye and Kylee. Kylee I have known since she was born and Skye well.....

She is amazing! (She's in the front, I'm the weirdo in the back!) I will probably talk about her a lot so yeah. Don't worry I'll get better pics as the blog goes on. Anyway, Skye. She's a red head, and CrAzY! We met last year as freshmen in high school. Though we had two classes together, lunch and we rode the same bus, we ended up meeting in a KFC. It started with a simple wave to a random stranger, that's how we met. I waved to her and she waved back. Ever since then we have been attached at the hip. We became best friends after I brought her a gift basket while she was recovering from her surgery. The next night she stupidly went to homecoming and we danced it up buuuuttt, I love this chick!
We are spending the weekend together because her dad and his new girlfriend, and her sons are going somewhere for the weekend. She didn't want to go, so she is watching the dogs and I'm coming over to keep her company. We will probably just watch scary movies, eat a lot, and act like fools, but hey thats always fun!
I will be going to my nephew Noah's birthday party as well, which should be fun! I will definately post something Sunday, telling everyone how the beach, party, and Skye's was but for now I'm going to talk to friends on Facebook, text, and probably play some games on the computer(:
Thursday, September 23, 2010
It's BLOG Time!
Second Post,
Today was a hard day to handle but things will look up, hopefully. "You're running a marathon, and the marathon is called life." My marathon seems to be uphill and in everlasting heat. Anytime I post something sad, or not so good, at the bottom I will put an ON THE BRIGHTSIDE part and that will help not only lift my spirts but make the post seem less depressing hopefully.
"You need help Alex."
Those are the words that were spoken to me today.
I have offically been diagnosed as Clinically Depressed, and now I will soon be going into therapy which I pray will help, and it should.
ON THE BRIGHTSIDE: Soon enough my problems wont be as bad, and going to therapy will defiantely help my state of mind.
So, Today:
I watched a little Jerry Springer before heading to the doctors office. While singing to Frank Sinatra we realized "OH! WRONG DOCTORS OFFICE!" We got an appointment at the office we were near and soon enough I was given the news stated above. Then after tears and deep talks, I went to Burlington Coat Factory where i got a new bathing suit, too bad summer is over! Right? Then off to KFC, where I got the bowl meal thingy, it's my "comfort food," Or so my mom says. Now I'm sitting at home watching RENT, I love this movie! I wish I could've seen it on Broadway :/ ANYWAY, I just finished talking to my dad on the phone and that helped some but not much. SIGH.
Today was a hard day to handle but things will look up, hopefully. "You're running a marathon, and the marathon is called life." My marathon seems to be uphill and in everlasting heat. Anytime I post something sad, or not so good, at the bottom I will put an ON THE BRIGHTSIDE part and that will help not only lift my spirts but make the post seem less depressing hopefully.
"You need help Alex."
Those are the words that were spoken to me today.
I have offically been diagnosed as Clinically Depressed, and now I will soon be going into therapy which I pray will help, and it should.
ON THE BRIGHTSIDE: Soon enough my problems wont be as bad, and going to therapy will defiantely help my state of mind.
So, Today:
I watched a little Jerry Springer before heading to the doctors office. While singing to Frank Sinatra we realized "OH! WRONG DOCTORS OFFICE!" We got an appointment at the office we were near and soon enough I was given the news stated above. Then after tears and deep talks, I went to Burlington Coat Factory where i got a new bathing suit, too bad summer is over! Right? Then off to KFC, where I got the bowl meal thingy, it's my "comfort food," Or so my mom says. Now I'm sitting at home watching RENT, I love this movie! I wish I could've seen it on Broadway :/ ANYWAY, I just finished talking to my dad on the phone and that helped some but not much. SIGH.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Love Me, Or Hate Me.
It's not just a name, It's me.
Fourth line of Alex's, first girl. I've been different since birth.
As a sophmore in high school, life gets hectic...but I know, I know..."this is just the beginning."
Let's tell you a little bit about myself. Here we go:
I love life and I take it as it comes, though it's rough I look forward to whatever's ahead of me. Like I said, I'm a sophmore in high school, and I'm loving it, to say the least! I love singing, dancing(for fun), reading and writing. I love meeting new people, learning about things I know nothing about, and hearing peoples opinions that differ from mine. Movies are my passion, I watch one at least every night. I have a crazy obsession with Star Wars, and musicals. Friends are a huge part of my life and I'm cherish them with every breath I take. Lets see...what are some things I don't like? For starters I hate the sound of people chewing their food, or gum. I cannot STAND it! I'm sorry about her major fans out there but, I'm not a fan of Lady Gaga. If I think of other things I don't like I'm sure I'll post them eventually. Eventually, I would like to help children with special needs.
"Not Normal Alex" This is my blog, and I can tell you now I one of a kind. I'm full of blond moments, witty comments, and excitment! I'm writing this not only to give anyone who reads this a little inside look on my life but to express my feelings instead of keeping them bundled up, which I tend to do. So lets get this party started!
I ended up not going to school and had a fantastic Mother Daughter day! Though my mom left to pick up my great grandma from Bingo for a little, we had a whole day to bond. We went to dinner to Gator's Dockside, I love that place! I got wings and a great brownie desert with ice cream on top. If my taste buds could talk they would've been screaming from joy! Once we finished freezing to death(it was cold in there) and eating, we decided to go to TJ Max, so I could get a necklace for homecoming. We got side tracked by a HALLOWEEN COSTUME STORE! I love dressing up for halloween so i absolutely had to go in. Eventually my mom bought me a female Freddy Keruger outfit, it's amazing if I do say so myself.
Off to TJ Max we went! We found nothing. Soooo we stopped by Kohl's where I got my best friend, Skye, a silver bracelet with a pretty inscription. My mother also bought me a necklace that i can wear, not only for homecoming, but everyday! Its two hearts and says "Mother and Daughter. Friends Forever."
After I finished singing to country music in the car, we stopped by Ross for her and off, off, and AWAY to home we went! Where I am now finishing this blog. I think that's all for now, I'll keep ya posted. (:
It's not just a name, It's me.
Fourth line of Alex's, first girl. I've been different since birth.
As a sophmore in high school, life gets hectic...but I know, I know..."this is just the beginning."
Let's tell you a little bit about myself. Here we go:
I love life and I take it as it comes, though it's rough I look forward to whatever's ahead of me. Like I said, I'm a sophmore in high school, and I'm loving it, to say the least! I love singing, dancing(for fun), reading and writing. I love meeting new people, learning about things I know nothing about, and hearing peoples opinions that differ from mine. Movies are my passion, I watch one at least every night. I have a crazy obsession with Star Wars, and musicals. Friends are a huge part of my life and I'm cherish them with every breath I take. Lets see...what are some things I don't like? For starters I hate the sound of people chewing their food, or gum. I cannot STAND it! I'm sorry about her major fans out there but, I'm not a fan of Lady Gaga. If I think of other things I don't like I'm sure I'll post them eventually. Eventually, I would like to help children with special needs.
"Not Normal Alex" This is my blog, and I can tell you now I one of a kind. I'm full of blond moments, witty comments, and excitment! I'm writing this not only to give anyone who reads this a little inside look on my life but to express my feelings instead of keeping them bundled up, which I tend to do. So lets get this party started!
I ended up not going to school and had a fantastic Mother Daughter day! Though my mom left to pick up my great grandma from Bingo for a little, we had a whole day to bond. We went to dinner to Gator's Dockside, I love that place! I got wings and a great brownie desert with ice cream on top. If my taste buds could talk they would've been screaming from joy! Once we finished freezing to death(it was cold in there) and eating, we decided to go to TJ Max, so I could get a necklace for homecoming. We got side tracked by a HALLOWEEN COSTUME STORE! I love dressing up for halloween so i absolutely had to go in. Eventually my mom bought me a female Freddy Keruger outfit, it's amazing if I do say so myself.
Off to TJ Max we went! We found nothing. Soooo we stopped by Kohl's where I got my best friend, Skye, a silver bracelet with a pretty inscription. My mother also bought me a necklace that i can wear, not only for homecoming, but everyday! Its two hearts and says "Mother and Daughter. Friends Forever."
After I finished singing to country music in the car, we stopped by Ross for her and off, off, and AWAY to home we went! Where I am now finishing this blog. I think that's all for now, I'll keep ya posted. (:
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