I wont be writing much this weekend, maybe on Sunday. I have well...weekend madness. My schedule is non-stop going and doing. I am waking up at 9:45 or at least I'm suppose to be. Rising when the sun is still in the sky isn't my favorite thing to do. I'm more of a night owl. I'm getting off track though! So when i wake up I am to hop in the shower, get dressed for the beach and we will leave at 10:30. It's the family reunion weekend, well for one of my grandma's at least. My "nanny" has a family reunion every year and HERE IT IS! After having some fun in the sun for about four hours me and my mom will head home for a quick change then off to Skye's! One of my best friends. I have two best friends, Skye and Kylee. Kylee I have known since she was born and Skye well.....

She is amazing! (She's in the front, I'm the weirdo in the back!) I will probably talk about her a lot so yeah. Don't worry I'll get better pics as the blog goes on. Anyway, Skye. She's a red head, and CrAzY! We met last year as freshmen in high school. Though we had two classes together, lunch and we rode the same bus, we ended up meeting in a KFC. It started with a simple wave to a random stranger, that's how we met. I waved to her and she waved back. Ever since then we have been attached at the hip. We became best friends after I brought her a gift basket while she was recovering from her surgery. The next night she stupidly went to homecoming and we danced it up buuuuttt, I love this chick!
We are spending the weekend together because her dad and his new girlfriend, and her sons are going somewhere for the weekend. She didn't want to go, so she is watching the dogs and I'm coming over to keep her company. We will probably just watch scary movies, eat a lot, and act like fools, but hey thats always fun!
I will be going to my nephew Noah's birthday party as well, which should be fun! I will definately post something Sunday, telling everyone how the beach, party, and Skye's was but for now I'm going to talk to friends on Facebook, text, and probably play some games on the computer(:
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